EOI - Advisory Committees
Expressions of interest close 5pm 27 March 2025.
Which committee/s are you interested in joining?
Bungendore Town Centre and Environs Committee
Small Business Advisory Committee
Seniors Advisory Committee
Full name
Preferred contact method
Mobile phone
Your age
Email Address
Mobile number
Do you live in the QPRC region?
About you
Please tell us why you are interested in joining this Committee?
Please share any relevant experience you have which would benefit the Committee
Please describe any previous experience you have had working with a Committee or Board
What has been your involvement with small business (eg owned, managed)?
What sectors have you had experience working in (eg retail, hospitality, agricultural, financial services)?
I have completed my application in good faith, honestly and completely. I have provided all information requested and/or associated with my application.
Draw signature
Type signature
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