QBN Parents Group - Enrolment Form

The QBN Parents Group is a fun and non-judgemental space for young parents as well as first time parents.

When: 10–11:30am Wednesdays during school term.

Where: Axis Youth Centre, next to Queanbeyan Central Park and Playground.

For more information, contact us on  community.team@qprc.nsw.gov.au

Family Details



Child's details

Emergency contact

Please nominate a person (other than parents/carer) to contact in case of emergency.


The personal information collected on this form is stored in a data Exchange IT system hosted by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. All personal information is de-identified, which means that DSS removes information that identifies you or could be used to re-identify you (e.g. your name). This data is collected to assist with policy development, grant programs, research and evaluation. You can find more information about how DSS will manage your personal information in the DSS privacy policy on their website: https://www.dss.gov.au/privacy-policy.

Do you consent to:

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By submitting this form you agree to your personal information being collected and stored by QPRC for the purpose of providing this program.